
Intro TBD

2024 Projects
Mill Pond Restoration Project [funded by BC Salmon Restoration & Innovation Fund, DFO Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative, Pacific Salmon Foundation, Nature Trust of British Columbia, Campbell River Salmon Foundation and Brown's Bay Resort]

Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by City of Campbell River, TD Tree Days and Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program]

Indigenous Watersheds Initiative [in partnership with Wei Wai Kum Guardians and We Wai Kai Guardians]

Community Outreach [funded by Province of BC Community Gaming Grant and City of Campbell River]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Adopt-a-Trail [funded by private donations]

Streamkeepers / DFO-PIP [funded by Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Campbell River Community Foundation and Campbell River Salmon Foundation]

Strathcona Food Security [funded by Island Health]

Campbell River Fruit Tree Project [funded by Campbell River Community Foundation and City of Campbell River]

Invasive Species Removal Contracts [funded by City of Campbell River]

Junior Streamkeepers, Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment & Climate Change Canada - EcoAction Project and City of Campbell River]

Strathcona Good Food Box [Strathcona Community Food Hub Spoke Funding and Capital Power]

2023 Projects
Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by the Environmental Damages Fund - Environment and Climate Change Canada]

Mill Pond Restoration Project – [funded by British Columbia Salmon Restoration Fund]

Indigenous Watersheds Initiative [in partnership with Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai Guardians]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre, Community Outreach, Adopt-A-Trail Program, Fruit Tree Project [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Nature and Nutrition Seniors Program [funded by Cowichan Green Community via the Public Health Agency of Canada]

Junior Streamkeepers, Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Campbell River Community Foundation]

Strathcona Local Food Network [funded by Island Health and Strathcona Community Food Hub]

Strathcona Good Food Box Program [funded by Island Health]

Invasive Species - Scotch Broom Program [funded by City of Campbell River]

2022 Projects
Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by the Environmental Damages Fund - Environment and Climate Change Canada]

Indigenous Watersheds Initiative [in partnership with Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai Guardians]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre, Community Outreach, Adopt-A-Trail Program, Fruit Tree Project [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Nature and Nutrition Seniors Program [funded by Cowichan Green Community via the Public Health Agency of Canada]

Junior Streamkeepers, Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Campbell River Community Foundation]

Strathcona Local Food Network [funded by Island Health and Strathcona Community Food Hub]

Strathcona Good Food Box Program [funded by Island Health]

Invasive Species - Scotch Broom Program [funded by City of Campbell River]
2021 Projects
Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by the Environmental Damages Fund - Environment and Climate Change Canada]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre, Community Outreach, Adopt-A-Trail Program [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Junior Streamkeepers, Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

Strathcona Good Food Box Program [funded by United Way Central and North Vancouver Island]

Invasive Species - Scotch Broom Program [funded by City of Campbell River]

Urban Watershed Restoration Program [funded by Healthy Watersheds Initiative through the Real Estate Foundation of BC and Watersheds BC]
2020 Projects
Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by the City of Campbell River, Environment and Climate Change Canada, BC Hydro and TD Friends of the Environment]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre, Community Outreach [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Junior Streamkeepers, Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

Invasive Species - Knotweed and Scotch Broom, Adopt-A-Trail [funded by City of Campbell River]
2019 Projects

Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by City of Campbell River, Environment and Climate Change Canada, BC Hydro and TD Friends of the Environment]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre, Community Outreach [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek | Restoration Phase 2 [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Campbell River Salmon Foundation]

Junior Streamkeepers, Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

Invasive Species – Knotweed and Broom and Adopt-A-Trail [funded by City of Campbell River]

2018 Projects

Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by City of Campbell River, Environment and Climate Change Canada, BC Hydro and TD Friends of the Environment]

Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek | Restoration Phase 2 [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Campbell River Salmon Foundation]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Community Outreach [funded by Province of British Columbia]

Invasive Species – Knotweed and Broom and Adopt-A-Trail [funded by City of Campbell River]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

2017 Projects

Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by City of Campbell River, Environment and Climate Change Canada and TD Friends of the Environment]

Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek | Restoration Phase 2 [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Campbell River Salmon Foundation]

Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Community Outreach [funded by Province of British Columbia]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

Invasive Species – Knotweed and Broom and Adopt-A-Trail [funded by City of Campbell River]

Access to Seafood [funded by Strathcona Regional District/BC Healthy Communities]

2016 Projects

Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by City of Campbell River, Environment and Climate Change Canada and TD Friends of the Environment]

Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek | Restoration Phase 2 [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Campbell River Salmon Foundation]

Schools Engagement – Stewardship Learning [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada, City of Campbell River, Province of British Columbia, Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Adopt-A-Trail [funded by City of Campbell River]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

Access to Seafood [funded by Strathcona Regional District/BC Healthy Communities]

Canada Goose Banding Project [funded by Nature Conservancy of Canada, Pacific Salmon Foundation, City of Campbell River and Campbell River Fish and Wildlife Association]

Deltoid Balsamroot Restoration Project [funded by Environment Canada Species at Risk Interdepartmental Recovery Fund in partnership with Wei Wai Kum First Nation]

Campbell River’s Urban Watershed Invasive Species Program 2016 [funded by City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

2000-2015 Projects

Public Involvement Program 2009-2016 [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Campbell River’s Urban Watershed Invasive Species Program 2014-2015 [funded by varying partners over the years: City of Campbell River, TD Friends of the Environment and Nature Conservancy of Canada]

Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek | Restoration Phase 1 [funded by various partners over the years: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Campbell River Salmon Foundation and Campbell River Community Foundation]

Canada Goose Banding Project [funded by Nature Conservancy of Canada, Pacific Salmon Foundation, City of Campbell River and Campbell River Fish and Wildlife Association]

Baikie Island Nature Reserve Maintenance [funded by City of Campbell River]

Myrt Thompson Trail Restoration Project [funded by TD Friends of the Environment and TD Tree Days]

Frogger 15km Fun Run [funded by City of Campbell River]

Adopt-A-Trail [funded by varying partners over the years: TD Canada, BC Hydro, Friends of Beaver Lodge and Salvage Harvest]

Laughing Willow Community Garden Accessibility Upgrades [funded by Campbell River Community Foundation]

Evergreen – Canon Take a Root Program [funded by Evergreen Canada]

Salmon Enhancement Program Community Workshop [funded by Investors Group, Campbell River Salmon Foundation, FORTIS BC, Dynamic Aqua Supply, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Salmon Foundation and City of Campbell River]

Urban Forest Management Plan [funded by Real Estate Foundation of BC]

Greenways Land Trust Grant in Aid [funded by City of Campbell River]

Bingo Hall Affiliation [funded by BC Gaming Association]

Biodiversity vs Sterility in Urban Watersheds [funded by Pacific Salmon Foundation]

Greenways Gallop [financed through general public registration fees]

Greenways Loop – Jubilee Connector [funded by Community Development Trust, Island Coastal Economic Trust, Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Greenways Loop – Jubilee Connector Willow Creek Bridge Construction [funded by Campbell River Community Foundation]

Greenways Loop – Jubilee Connector Willow Creek Planting [funded by Pacific Salmon Foundation]

Haig-Brown Kids Camp [funded by TD Friends of the Environment and Coastal Community Spirit Fund]

2022 Projects
Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by the Environmental Damages Fund - Environment and Climate Change Canada]

Indigenous Watersheds Initiative [in partnership with Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai Guardians]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre, Community Outreach, Adopt-A-Trail Program, Fruit Tree Project [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Nature and Nutrition Seniors Program [funded by Cowichan Green Community via the Public Health Agency of Canada]

Junior Streamkeepers, Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Campbell River Community Foundation]

Strathcona Local Food Network [funded by Island Health and Strathcona Community Food Hub]

Strathcona Good Food Box Program [funded by Island Health]

Invasive Species - Scotch Broom Program [funded by City of Campbell River]
2021 Projects
Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by the Environmental Damages Fund - Environment and Climate Change Canada]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre, Community Outreach, Adopt-A-Trail Program [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Junior Streamkeepers, Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

Strathcona Good Food Box Program [funded by United Way Central and North Vancouver Island]

Invasive Species - Scotch Broom Program [funded by City of Campbell River]

Urban Watershed Restoration Program [funded by Healthy Watersheds Initiative through the Real Estate Foundation of BC and Watersheds BC]
2020 Projects
Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by the City of Campbell River, Environment and Climate Change Canada, BC Hydro and TD Friends of the Environment]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre, Community Outreach [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Junior Streamkeepers, Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

Invasive Species - Knotweed and Scotch Broom, Adopt-A-Trail [funded by City of Campbell River]
2019 Projects

Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by City of Campbell River, Environment and Climate Change Canada, BC Hydro and TD Friends of the Environment]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre, Community Outreach [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek | Restoration Phase 2 [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Campbell River Salmon Foundation]

Junior Streamkeepers, Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

Invasive Species – Knotweed and Broom and Adopt-A-Trail [funded by City of Campbell River]

2018 Projects

Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by City of Campbell River, Environment and Climate Change Canada, BC Hydro and TD Friends of the Environment]

Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek | Restoration Phase 2 [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Campbell River Salmon Foundation]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Community Outreach [funded by Province of British Columbia]

Invasive Species – Knotweed and Broom and Adopt-A-Trail [funded by City of Campbell River]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

2017 Projects

Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by City of Campbell River, Environment and Climate Change Canada and TD Friends of the Environment]

Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek | Restoration Phase 2 [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Campbell River Salmon Foundation]

Schools Engagement in Riparian and Foreshore Restoration [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and City of Campbell River]

Community Outreach [funded by Province of British Columbia]

Natural Areas Conservation, Stewardship Resource Centre [funded by Province of British Columbia and City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

Invasive Species – Knotweed and Broom and Adopt-A-Trail [funded by City of Campbell River]

Access to Seafood [funded by Strathcona Regional District/BC Healthy Communities]

2016 Projects

Baikie Island Nature Reserve & Campbell River Estuary Restoration [funded by City of Campbell River, Environment and Climate Change Canada and TD Friends of the Environment]

Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek | Restoration Phase 2 [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Campbell River Salmon Foundation]

Schools Engagement – Stewardship Learning [funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada, City of Campbell River, Province of British Columbia, Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Adopt-A-Trail [funded by City of Campbell River]

Strathcona Food Security Hub [funded by Island Health]

Access to Seafood [funded by Strathcona Regional District/BC Healthy Communities]

Canada Goose Banding Project [funded by Nature Conservancy of Canada, Pacific Salmon Foundation, City of Campbell River and Campbell River Fish and Wildlife Association]

Deltoid Balsamroot Restoration Project [funded by Environment Canada Species at Risk Interdepartmental Recovery Fund in partnership with Wei Wai Kum First Nation]

Campbell River’s Urban Watershed Invasive Species Program 2016 [funded by City of Campbell River]

Streamkeepers [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

2000-2015 Projects

Public Involvement Program 2009-2016 [funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Campbell River’s Urban Watershed Invasive Species Program 2014-2015 [funded by varying partners over the years: City of Campbell River, TD Friends of the Environment and Nature Conservancy of Canada]

Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek | Restoration Phase 1 [funded by various partners over the years: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Campbell River Salmon Foundation and Campbell River Community Foundation]

Canada Goose Banding Project [funded by Nature Conservancy of Canada, Pacific Salmon Foundation, City of Campbell River and Campbell River Fish and Wildlife Association]

Baikie Island Nature Reserve Maintenance [funded by City of Campbell River]

Myrt Thompson Trail Restoration Project [funded by TD Friends of the Environment and TD Tree Days]

Frogger 15km Fun Run [funded by City of Campbell River]

Adopt-A-Trail [funded by varying partners over the years: TD Canada, BC Hydro, Friends of Beaver Lodge and Salvage Harvest]

Laughing Willow Community Garden Accessibility Upgrades [funded by Campbell River Community Foundation]

Evergreen – Canon Take a Root Program [funded by Evergreen Canada]

Salmon Enhancement Program Community Workshop [funded by Investors Group, Campbell River Salmon Foundation, FORTIS BC, Dynamic Aqua Supply, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Salmon Foundation and City of Campbell River]

Urban Forest Management Plan [funded by Real Estate Foundation of BC]

Greenways Land Trust Grant in Aid [funded by City of Campbell River]

Bingo Hall Affiliation [funded by BC Gaming Association]

Biodiversity vs Sterility in Urban Watersheds [funded by Pacific Salmon Foundation]

Greenways Gallop [financed through general public registration fees]

Greenways Loop – Jubilee Connector [funded by Community Development Trust, Island Coastal Economic Trust, Fisheries and Oceans Canada]

Greenways Loop – Jubilee Connector Willow Creek Bridge Construction [funded by Campbell River Community Foundation]

Greenways Loop – Jubilee Connector Willow Creek Planting [funded by Pacific Salmon Foundation]

Haig-Brown Kids Camp [funded by TD Friends of the Environment and Coastal Community Spirit Fund]


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